Make It Happen in Mobile Tours or Get Out of the Business

Make It Happen in Mobile Tours or Get Out of the Business

One of Pro Motion’s core values is Make It Happen.  As you may have guessed, we live this everyday in the experiential marketing industry!  If a field marketing agency hasn’t embraced and focused their service on the make it happen mentality, it will show up in the quality of their work.   It is difficult to showcase every example of how we live this core value since we literally have an example just about every day of the year!

Here are a couple examples:

Keep the Display Alive
Have you ever tried to keep termites alive?  Of course not!  Doesn’t everyone want to kill the little demons?  Well, we had live termites on one of our mobile tours.  In fact, because we train so well, we even had an Entomologist (a bug expert) come in and train our team on how to care for this colony we had as part of one of our client’s displays.  Well, we killed them.  Every darn one of them; while traveling between cities, the temperature got too cold and they all died.

So what were our Brand Ambassadors to do?  The next event was in two days and termites only come from one place…the woods.  So, they headed out to the woods and found termites for the display.  Talk about make it happen!  Never in our training or in the job description for our Brand Ambassadors did it ever say to go into the woods and find termites.  But, that’s what happens in field marketing – you gotta make it happen to ensure the show goes on, even when the show is live termites!

Blown up, sir!
With lots and lots of mobile tours and vehicles driving throughout the country every day on behalf of our clients Murphy’s Law exists; and sometimes the vehicles breakdown in the most inopportune times.  We had a NASCAR mobile tour heading from the west coast to the east coast and we blew an engine on the tow vehicle pulling the trailer with the show car and all of the equipment.  We were heading to the next race city of Atlanta and we only had 3 days to get there.  The only way we’d make that event was to rent a tow vehicle in Phoenix and two of us to jump on a plane to tandem drive across the southern portion of the country straight through without stopping in time for the event.  And that is what we did.  Three of us taking turns driving, resting and navigating until we got to Atlanta; 6 hours before the start of the event.  Making it happen!

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