10 Things to Include in Your Event Marketing Final Reports

10 Things to Include in Your Event Marketing Final Reports

A final report is a critical part of evaluating the effectiveness of an event marketing program. At the conclusion of your program review and compile information from the entire tour to identify successes as well as opportunities to improve future programs. It is important to provide an honest and thorough report.

  1. Measure results against program objectives
    • Have all of the results been tabulated?
    • Did the program meet the goals?
      • Why or Why not?
  2. What is the ROI on the program? (For tips on how to measure experiential marketing ROI read the article, How to Measure the ROI of Your Mobile Tours.)
    • Did the program drive sales?
    • Was there a purchase incentive?
    • What was the coupon redemption?
    • Did events drive consumers to retail?
    • Did the program generate buzz?
  3. Identify and outline key learning
    • Were offers effective?
    • Was engagement targeted?
  4. Review team effectiveness
    • Were Brand Ambassadors able to effectively communicate your brand message?
    • Was the team proactive in engaging event participants?
  5. Review event selection
    • Were you able to interact with your target consumers?
    • Did the event environment lend itself to a quality engagement?
  6. Compile Brand Ambassadorfeedback
    • Did consumers have a positive reaction?
    • What improvements did they request?
  7. Compile consumer feedback
    • Did the event leave a positive brand impression?
    • Did the engagement incent trial and purchase?
  8. Leverage photos and video
    • Utilize photos and videos for social media marketing to extend program reach
  9. What information can be used to sell-in future programs?
    • What was the ROI?
    • What is the value of a repeat and long-term customer?
    • What valuable consumer feedback can you leverage to improve future engagements, brand reputation or product improvements?
  10. What information can be used to develop future programs?
    • What tactics worked?
    • What should be changed for future programs?
    • What were the overall benefits of the program?

If this article was helpful then you might want to read the following articles to learn more about effective event marketing reporting.

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