What is a “Typical” Day like as an Experiential Marketing Intern?

What is a “Typical” Day like as an Experiential Marketing Intern?

No, really… I’m asking.  I’m often asked to describe my “typical day” as an experiential marketing intern.

Truthfully, I’m not sure that I’ve experienced this “typical” day that everyone is talking about.  The only typical part of my day is the free Dr. Pepper I look forward to drinking each day.  Whether I’m helping find brand ambassadors, participating in brainstorms or finding merchandise for our street teams, each day proves to be an exciting new challenge.

Most recently I was asked to find cowbells for our client who planned on using guerrilla marketing to attract a crowd at an upcoming event.  Upon receiving the challenge I was excited.  This should be fun and easy, I thought.  WRONG! I called music stores, hardware stores, even farming stores; you name it, I called it.

Finding 20 large, metal, obnoxiously loud cowbells that could arrive by the next day was like finding a needle in a haystack, and the World Wide Web is one huge haystack.

After hours of relentless research without success I asked if there was another way to create buzz marketing for our client, but as one of our core values states, I was told to “make it happen”.  It was nearing 4 o’clock and I felt myself start to get nervous.

I went back to my computer and dove into the furthest pages of my Google search until I finally found the cowbells, with not a moment to spare.  With a sigh of relief I laughed, thinking about what other interns my age were doing, definitely not looking for cowbells that’s for sure.  So maybe I don’t have a “typical” day, fine by me.

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