Trade shows have been around since two days past forever and in their day, they were a good choice to spend your marketing dollars. But, late in 2008 the business world we live in changed. Customer travel budgets diminished and fewer and fewer on the customer side now travel. Most strategic marketers realize how ineffective trade shows have become and know they need to get more creative and results focused because the C Suite is completely focused on RESULTS! Building quality relationships with decision makers continues to be the focus of the sales and marketing function in businesses selling to other businesses, so getting face to face with their customer is job one.
Fast forward to 2012 and the days of coming home from the boondoggle in Vegas with boxes of quality leads is over. To grow your brand today, being smarter than your competition starts with marketing and selling in a different environment than in the cluttered world of trade shows.
So, what is a better alternative to the tired trade show? Mobile Trade Show Tours!
A Mobile Trade Show Tour is taking your product, your messaging and your key executives directly to your customer’s parking lot and building an experience. This is how marketers today are getting real life tangible ROI that is driving sales in the B2B world. Think about it…no huge fee to set up your booth, no excessive cost for space on the floor, no need for 25 people to travel to staff the booth and no competition in sight! And the coup d’état? Client decision makers who are 100% focused on you and who end up spending more time with your brand and your staff than they’d ever do in a trade show environment. You get to display and demonstrate your product line and deliver your points of difference in an uncluttered environment where the customer is only thinking about you and the value of your products.
Some of the best mobile trade show tours are with products that are difficult to carry to a sales meeting due to their size, their complexity and number of products you are selling. Packaging all your products into a vehicle and transporting them directly to your customer’s Headquarters provides a better quality engagement and you can get all of the decision makers in the same environment. We also find providing some hospitality like lunch, dinner or happy hour also drives customer participation and relationship building time.
Take a look at your Trade Show Budget from 2011 and look at the tangible results and ROI you got from all of that money spent on travel and entertainment, trade show fees and staff labor. If you are not revenue positive, you may want to join the brands that are getting 10 to 1 ROI while tripling their pipeline and being more strategic by developing a Mobile Trade Show Tour. And, if your products have a long sales cycle, Mobile Trade Show Tours can cut the sales cycle since you are able to get all of the decision makers in one room with all of the right people from your organization. Now how often does that happen in the trade show environment?