Patrick’s 2015 Parties Like It’s Last Century

Patrick’s 2015 Parties Like It’s Last Century

“I am going to party like it’s 1999.”

That’s the first thing that pops in my head every time I think about New Years Eve. Then, a range of emotions flow through me, from happiness to fear. After all, 1999 is when I met my smoking hot wifey (yes she reads these, duh!)…but alas, I quickly remember that 1999 was seriously a long time ago.

I mean, Prince’s name was still Prince then, I think? [editor’s note: It was not. It was still He went back to being Prince in 2000]

So, on to my New Year’s Resolutions.

Let me preface this by saying I am not one for setting resolutions and I methodically checking off each one over the course of a year, but I do always set some goals of what I would like to do or who I would like to be, So i guess that’s the same thing. And since I’m being told to do this [editor’s note: that is correct], and since you’re reading this, I guess you want to know what they are.

Let’s start with Personal

In 2015, I would like to check more things off my bucket list; it doesn’t matter what they are but I need to get back to doing stuff for me.

I would also like to spend more quality face-to-face time with my wife, so (you guessed it) that means “Date Night” is back on for 2015. We enjoy eating at all the great places St Louis has to offer, and this year, we’ll try to eat at all the places in the Top 50 Restaurants from Sauce Magazine.  With our new addition (our daughter, Quinn) in 2014, the the Longos are complete. So, in 2015 I want to sit back and take it all in and strive to remember these times. I want to take all the kids out together and individually. I want to listen to them. I want to inspire them. Most of all, I want to love on them more this year!

Now, Professional Goals

In 2015, I would like to be more involved the things that are going in the marketing world here in St. Louis and around the country. I will be more connected to what new things are happening and figure out how I can use them in my day to day Project Management.

I will be heading to the Event Marketer Summit this year and I will soak it all in, bringing back new ideas and how we can implement them here at ProMotion for our clients.

As for as my Goals/Resolutions for ProMotion

In 2014, I found myself a new home here at PMI, and to be honest, I couldn’t have found a better place to land. I found out quickly that my values and theirs are a perfect match.

In 2015, I want to see Pro Motion get recognized for all the hard work we do nationally and locally.

I want our clients to be “WOWED” by what we bring to the table and how we never over promise, but always over deliver.

I want our existing and future clients to have their own “A-ha!” moment about us here at ProMotion.

As 2014 comes to a close, I guess I’m not sad knowing it’s not quite like partying like its 1999 again. I may not be staying out all night like I did then, but I assure you that I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve.

I can’t wait to see what we can do here as a team in 2015.

Happy Holidays!

photo credit: UnShuttered Soul~ Hola New Mexico! via photopin cc

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