Give Marketing a Local Twist with a Targeted Neighborhood Promotion

Give Marketing a Local Twist with a Targeted Neighborhood Promotion

Neighborhood marketing programs allow brands to target consumers within a tight geographical area.  This is great for businesses such as restaurants and retail stores who pull from a limited radius around their physical location.

We have had great success utilizing street teams for neighborhood marketing programs to drive traffic, awareness and sales for our clients.  Some things to keep in mind when you are planning a neighborhood marketing program:

  1. Local Ordinances – Keep in mind any city rules or ordinances that might apply for your local promotion.  You don’t want get a reputation for not following the city marketing codes.
  2. Customs & Traditions – Learn the local customs and traditions.  For example, do consumers tend to gather in a special location on the weekends where you can easily engage a crowd or will you find people out and about during the rush-hour commute at local transit stations?
  3. Customize the Experience – Customize the experience for the consumers you are trying to reach. Give the program a local flavor.  For example, you might find your target consumer at a local high school sporting event and your Brand Ambassadors could distribute co-branded premiums supporting the local team.
  4. Keep it Local – Reach out to the local newspapers and television stations to let them know about your program.  Be sure to give them a reason to talk about your brand.  Share the excitement of your marketing initiative and let them know how consumers can experience the special events.

5.    Give Back – Develop a plan to give back to the community.  Maybe you can sponsor a local little league team or support the booster club at the local high school.  Find a way to support those who support your business.

Keep these tips in mind when planning your next neighborhood experiential marketing program.

What other things are important to consider when planning a neighborhood marketing promotion?  Let us know how you’ve found success!

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