B2B is probably the fastest growing area of our industry. At least, it is definitely for our company.
I love B2B programs.
What we really love is designing a mobile trade show for a B2B client.
Sometimes with B2C you’re there at the point of sale where you can see product moving off the shelves but sometimes you’re at a fair or festival and you’re creating awareness you’re creating that trial but you don’t know exactly what they do after you’ve engaged them.
With a B2B brand, you know you’re talking to decision makers, you’re talking to customers.
What we really love doing is doing a mobile trade show for a B2B client.
So you pack all their goods and you take them directly to the parking lots of their customers. And you got to understand that there so many benefits to that.
So a B2B program is so much cleaner from an ROI standpoint.
We’ve never had a B2B program that didn’t repeat at least one more year, and based on what we hear from our clients, B2B programs really work.
They really do sell incremental product and they really do create and ROI that’s so great that it just makes sense to continue to investing in this area.
So, we love B2B and B2C.
The biggest advantage of B2B is how clean the ROI is.