Experiential Marketers, Let’s Get Digital. Digital.

Experiential Marketers, Let’s Get Digital. Digital.

Be honest. You’re reading this for one of two reasons: 1.) technology excites you and you are trying to  absorb everything you can about what’s happening in the digital world, or 2.) Olivia Newton-John excites you and you were hoping to learn of a reprise of her 1981 hit.  But you and I both know you’re not reading this for both of those reasons. Very few people are both old enough to actually find the 80’s style of exercise attire (Spandex and all) and side ponytails appealing AND young enough to keep up with the most aggressive period of technological advancement in the history of mankind.

No, it’s not a knock on the older generation for being “too old to get it”, or the younger generation for being “too young to get it”. It’s the state of our times. I’m on the front side of 30, and I sometimes feel like I am falling behind. I didn’t grow up fully immersed in digital technology (first computer in high school, first internet connection in college, first Facebook update AFTER I started receiving healthcare benefits). Yet, when I started as a Brand Ambassador at Pro Motion almost 7 years ago I was among the first Gen Y representatives in the group, and thusly the specialist of all things digital.

What have I learned after being thrust into the role of Digital Savant? Three things: digital technology is here to stay (duh), digital technology looks different every day and the only way an experiential agency is going to really stay ahead of the curve is to constantly hire 15-year-old consultants to keep us up-to-date on the latest trends and applications of the newest toys.

There is some really cool stuff (hey, if I write like a 15-year-old, maybe I can go back to thinking like one as well…) happening in the experiential marketing arena. GPS-based scavenger hunts, virtual conferences and augmented reality games are a few of the ways technology is making an impact. As digital technology continues to evolve, so does the experiential industry. I am personally excited for what is coming next and then next next (assuming there’s no overlap between the two). Also, I’m glad to have some teenagers in the family. I’ll be more interested than ever to see what they bring over for the Holidays (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFlcqWQVVuU)!

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