Unclaimed Baggage 50th Anniversary Road Trip

Unclaimed Baggage 50th Anniversary Road Trip


Unclaimed Baggage, the nation’s only retailer of lost luggage, was looking for a way to develop a fun, engaging, and integrated campaign with the focus on celebrating their 50th Anniversary with a 50 State Road Trip showcasing “Hugo”, a replica of the 1965 truck that picked up the first load of luggage from Washington, DC in 1970 and named after founder, Mr. Hugo Doyle Owens. The Program needed to: ignite press and social media interest – local, regional, and national; celebrate the company’s history and communicate the brand to provide awareness and education; connect with customers across the country with an interactive hook that gives people a reason to follow regularly; engage all brand audiences – past, current, and future customers; and honor their employees, both current and past.



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