Founded in 1995, Pro Motion creates immersive, meaningful brand experiences that cut through digital noise, fostering genuine connections and lasting impressions.
Bruegger’s sought to increase traffic to its retail locations. Pro Motion implemented the Summer Street Team as a way to increase awareness and usage by families, businesspeople, and moms, with a weekly focus on 15-24 of the community’s unsung heroes, such as police departments, fire departments, libraries, and non-profit organizations.
Smart, proactive Brand Ambassador teams in a branded PT Cruiser.
Street team members distributed amazing coupons, branded water bottles, and branded beanie caps.
Teams distributed Rocket Packs of coffee for morning commuters, farmers’ markets, parks, and little league games.
Teams also distributed samples, cookies, and bagel balloons.
Activation in sync with a local media PR campaign recognizing “Bruegger’s Heroes”.
Lift in customers.
Coupon Redemption.
Local Media Exposure.
An outpouring of support from the community in the form of notes, cards, and pictures.