Experiential Marketing – Breaker of Chains

Experiential Marketing – Breaker of Chains

(Warning: potential Game of Thrones spoilers ahead!)

My favorite character from Game of Thrones is by far:

Daenarys of the house Targaryen, the first of her name. Protector of the Realm. Mother of Dragons. Breaker of Chains.

If you’ve never seen GOT, this probably sounds like a bunch of malarkey. Allow me to give you a small break down about Khaleesi (Queen). Basically, she is a straight-up boss, and throughout the series, she goes from having nothing, to having everything. My hero.

She acquired the strongest army on Earth, the Unsullied, who were enslaved by their former master. Instead of keeping them in chains, she set them free. But in return, asked for their aid.

She needed an army, but did not want to be an enslaver. They worked for her as free men.


What’s this got to do with me? And marketing?

Using Khaleesi’s tactics, you too, could have an army of free men…kind of.

By boosting and promoting social media ads, putting flyers into people’s hands, and placing TV ads between popular television shows, you’re, in a way, forcing people to look at you and adore you.

Think about it this way: you shouldn’t rope and chain people into your brand. Let them live as free people.

What’s the best way to do this?

You guessed it. Experiential marketing.

Experiential marketing allows your consumers to be free—to have the option to walk by or come in as they please. They will serve you well if you let them choose you.

Before acquiring the Unsullied, they were unthinking men. They did whatever their master said–their obedience was rooted by fear. They were forced to obey and be in chains. Making them unhappy, of course.

But once they were released from their chains by Daenarys, they treated her like the queen that she was. They loved her, because she allowed them a choice.

Maybe it’s an extreme comparison, but your following is important. Make sure they don’t feel enslaved.

Give your consumers a choice!
Daenarys is smart. Be like Daenarys.  

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