All of us at Pro Motion have been working all year developing our thinking around a process for orchestrating deep emotional connections with our client’s target audiences. We coined our experiential marketing process the “Brand Vitality Experience”TM.

This proprietary process ensures each experiential marketing program we develop, produce and activate meets our high quality expectations thus delivering the results our clients demand. From the discovery of the true brand situation to the analysis of the ROI, each stage in the process is setup to identify key milestones.
The result of this initiative is threefold.
1. More strategic activation
2. Consumer engagement at a level most brands haven’t experienced
3. Tangible positive ROI in multiples that return higher results than other tactics
We are so proud of our proprietary process, The Brand Vitality Experience(TM), and we know our current clients along with our future clients will enjoy the fruits of this experiential marketing groundbreaking process for years to come.
If you’d like to read more about our insights on Brand Vitality, subscribe to the Brand Vitality Advisor or just checkout some of the exciting blogs we have written around the concept of building deep emotional connections that lead to lifelong relationships.