A Call For A Better Approach To Marketing

Brand Vitality

It’s critical for brands today to resonate with consumers. More than ever, marketers today must recognize that traditional, two-dimensional forms of promotion are not enough to move the needle. Marketers today must provide consumers a genuine brand experience to avoid becoming another commodity.

The invention of the DVR makes it easier than ever to skip over television commercials. RSS readers and content syndicators empower consumers to get their news without exposing themselves to your ads. What used to be a means of cost effectively reaching the masses is becoming a far less effective form.

The popularity of social media and the overwhelming prevalence of smartphones can make it seem as though social media marketing would be a solid replacement for more traditional television commercials. However, consumers’ attention is overloaded with so much content that it becomes difficult for brands to stand out from the clutter.

To stay relevant, your brand needs to do more than just advertise on various “flat monitors.” You must move beyond the TV, the computer and the handheld screen. To stay truly relevant in an overstimulated world, you’ve got to get face-to-face with your consumers.

To become a brand with vitality, marketers need to understand their consumers at a deeper level. They need to understand what’s important to them and develop a dialogue that fosters great relationships. Consumers need to feel like brands understand and care about their needs. Marketers need to figure out a way to bring their brand to life for the target demographic. Consumers need to be able to engage the brand and connect with it.

Face-to-face marketing gives brands the chance to have a meaningful engagement with their consumers, and gives consumers the opportunity to fully experience the brand. This allows for a two-way conversation. Consumers get to share their opinions and let brands know what they like, what they don’t like and what they would like to see in the future. Brands are able to personalize the connection with each consumer to focus on what is important to each individual. This genuine experience goes a long way toward creating lifelong loyal customers.

In a crowded, constantly changing marketplace it is crucial for brands to maintain their relevance. What is your brand doing to stay relevant? Are you providing your consumers a personal and genuine engagement to foster a dialogue and develop a lasting relationship? Download 5 Principles to Sustaining Brand Vitality and learn how you can begin transforming your marketing and build your brand.