90% of the Success of Experiential Marketing is from Team Training

90% of the Success of Experiential Marketing is from Team Training

Once the right person or people have been recruited and hired for an event marketing program, the next most important thing to happen is training.  Setting the Brand Ambassadors up for success for their event marketing program is the next priority.   We believe 90% of the success of a program comes through training the right people to represent your brand.  Here’s how to set-up a successful training program.

  1. Prepare the training schedule and manual based upon the brand, the interaction and the type of display or vehicle involved – training can last from 2 days to 4 weeks.
  2. At the onset of the training, set the stage with the Brand Ambassadorswith team introductions and setting expectations for the training session.
  3. A successful training program includes:  detailed program training; brand training; policies and procedures training; and vehicle training (if this is a mobile vehicle tour).
  4. Invite your client to participate in training either live or via conference call.  When the Brand Ambassadors hear about a brand from the client, they hear the passion a client has for his or her brand and understand the importance of the brand’s message.
  5. Provide a day or more of role playing and mock set-up of the actual engagement to set the Brand Ambassadors up for success.
  6. Additional ways to keep the Brand Ambassadors engaged during training:
  • Written tests
  • Training by different people
  • Role playing
  • Contests

7.  Keys to great training:

  • Communication
  • Processes
  • Excitement
  • Information
  • Engagement

8.  Have fun!

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