7 Ways to Build Customer Loyalty with Event Marketing

7 Ways to Build Customer Loyalty with Event Marketing

Can a potential purchaser actually build a rapport or emotional relationship with a brand using event marketing? Absolutely! Experiential marketing gives consumers a chance to engage a brand, provides a look into brand personality and offers consumers a chance to interact with a product before purchase.

  1. Give the purchaser an opportunity to examine your product independently. Create a fun and engaging environment with no pressure, and let the buyer “kick the tires.” It builds trust.
  2. If it is a service, allow them to integrate it into their system for free. This also creates a very “sticky” situation. If the service is integrated and used, it begins to take on a life of its own while the buyer is developing an actual relationship with the service.
  3. Give full customer support during trial periods. This will help to cement the relationship with your new customer.
  4. Address any consumer concerns immediately. Every concern becomes an opportunity to have a conversation with your consumer to explain and integrate the product. This is important to gain the maximum traction and create a favorable brand experience.
  5. Do it in a fun, energetic, low pressure environment. This is not a sales call but an opportunity for consumers to try your product and build a relationship with your brand.
  6. Allow for competitive comparisons. This is essential if the buyer is going to create a positive and confident relationship with your brand.
  7. Whenever possible make sure you are engaging all of the senses. We have found the more senses the better the recall.

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