7 Types of Sampling Programs to Consider for Your Next Campaign

7 Types of Sampling Programs to Consider for Your Next Campaign

Sampling programs are a great way to market your product or service.  There are many benefits to giving your consumer a chance to try your product prior to purchase.  Check out 5 Consumer Advantages to an Experiential Marketing Sampling Program.  There are many types of sampling programs and it is important to consider the choices to select the best fit for your brand.

  1. Retail– Sample your product or service at retail because this provides consumers the opportunity for immediate purchase.
    • In-store – Many sampling programs take place inside the retail location providing Brand Ambassadors the opportunity to interact with consumers directly at the point of purchase.
    • Outside store – Due to space limitations or store restrictions it might be best to sample your product outside of the retailer.  You can set-up at the front door or in the parking lot depending on the size of your event footprint and consumer traffic flow.
  2. On-Premise – On-premise sampling refers to malt beverage, spirit and wine promotions that are activated at a bar or restaurant.
  3. Off-Premise – Off-premise sampling refers to malt beverage, spirit and wine promotions that are activated at retail or special events – fairs, sporting events, etc.
  4. Special event – There are many special events where you can sample your product or service.  Events are a great place to find your consumers by sampling at those locations with a high attendance of your target demographic.
  5. Guerilla – You can activate guerilla sampling at almost any location.  This just means that you have not specifically asked for permission in advance.  Check out SamplingGuerilla Marketing vs. Permission Based Marketing.
  6. Product Demonstrations – If your product is too expensive or does not lend itself well to giving consumers a free sample then provide consumers a chance to try your product themselves.  Let them participate in a product demonstration so they can see the product benefits first hand.
  7. Service Trial – If you provide a service you can still activate a sampling program.  There are several ways to provide a face-to-face service trial for consumers and this will give consumers the confidence to purchase.

When determining the type of sampling program that will best represent your brand keep in mind the program objectives and how you can most successfully meet those needs.  Be sure to consider your target consumer and how they can most effectively sample your product or service.

Related articles:
5 Consumer Advantages to an Experiential Marketing Sampling Program
Training Tips for Sampling Your Food or Beverage to Consumers

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