5 Strategies for Post Event Marketing Consumer Reach

5 Strategies for Post Event Marketing Consumer Reach

You just spent your time, money and energy to run a top notch live event or experiential marketing program. The crowds have now gone home, the footprint is cleaned up and you are tired but feel very good about the experience. Oh, yea…you have a ton of data that was collected. Now what? How do you keep in contact?

  1. Social Media: Any goodevent marketing agencyvery likely had a social media element to your program. So this is step one. Use your social media platform to begin communicating with your consumers. They will appreciate the attention.  Facebook and Twitter are the 2 most common today.
  2. Email campaign: Again, you have a large group of new people who just had a great experience with your product or service. Keep the social engagement going, send brief and useful emails to continue the conversation with your consumers.
  3. Pictures and Videos:  Use the tools you have to invite people to re-live the experience by sharing pictures and videos from the event. YouTube can build a custom microsite or utilize free websites such as You Tube and Flickr.
  4. Invite them to another event:  Send an invitation to a future event in the area.  Be sure to provide a special offer for being a “VIP” customer… something that only goes to a previous attendee.
  5. A Sincere Thank You: We have all these tools to communicate so the message is important.  Start your conversation with appreciation and gratitude and tell your customers, “Thanks for coming!”

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