2015: Taylor’s “Risk Filled” Year

2015: Taylor’s “Risk Filled” Year

I’m just going to get this off my chest right now:

I have never made a New Year’s Resolution.

Oh sure, I was probably forced to slap something together for a school assignment or made lofty goals with my girlfriends in my teen years.

But thinking back on it, I truly don’t remember a time in my life where I started a resolution, created a plan to reach that goal in my daily life, and checked said goal off my list.

So here—for the first time— are some real, solid resolutions and goals for 2015, my 23rd year on this planet.

Better late than never, right?

I’m going to do this in layers.

  1. Personal
    In 2015, I will take risks.
    Whether regarding a new job, a new city, a new workout, or even just a new meal.
    Sometimes I am too stuck in my routines and comfort zones when I really should be exploring.
    Every month, I will look back on the previous one and evaluate my risk-taking behaviors to determine goals for the next month.
    I don’t want to do anything rash or crazy, so lists and monthly goals will be essential to this resolution.
  2. Career
    In 2015, I will further my investment in this industry. As my internship at Pro Motion draws to a close, I’ll be looking to find a coordinator position in an agency, a new position for the account team of an advertising agency, and/or renew my retired interest in the field of marketing in relation to publishing.
    In 2015, I will further develop my skills in project management, vendor relations and communications, and teach myself how to excel in computer programs…like Excel (see what I did there?).
  3. Pro Motion
    In 2015, I will see an increase in word-of-mouth about Pro Motion.
    I will see the circle of people who know about us expand, whether that is through our employees that are SO excited about our programs they can’t wait to talk their friends’ and families’ ears offs about them or through our brand ambassadors or current clients.
    The way we think and the programs we execute are incredible, interesting, and not receiving enough recognition.
    In the last seven months of explaining to all my friends what my post-graduate job is like, they are always amazed and intrigued by what Pro Motion does.
    I want to see Pro Motion off the charts in 2015…so far off that we’re who everyone talks about when they think about experiential marketing.

So that’s it for me. Nothing too crazy, too lofty or ridiculous.

Just some plain old risk-taking, new ideas, and creative living.

I am excited for 2015 and to reach full circle of a whole year graduated from college.

Who knows where I will be this time next year.

But I’m proud and excited about the time I have spent at Pro Motion for the last seven months and the incredible people I had the good fortune to get weird with on a daily basis.

Happy New Year!

photo credit: Tambako the Jaguar via photopin cc

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